Thursday, February 4, 2010

Proper Way Of Doing Strokes What Is The Proper Way To Do A Backhand Stroke In Tennis?

What is the proper way to do a backhand stroke in Tennis? - proper way of doing strokes

Please add as many measures as possible. Thank you!


That/Coo... said...

I can not really explain, but try this website for all your tennis needs. You need to get a membership, but its money well spent

thetomst... said...

Well, I'll tell you if you are right, you're hoping.
1. .. You have not yet divided into distinct right, if the person proposing the ball
2. to start turning his body to the left
3. Be sure to keep your dominant hand on the ground and a beginning ... In addition, make sure that they do not overlap each other
4. Bring your racket back as low as possible without
5. right when the ball comes, you move your stick forward and the ball during the use of a new phase with the other foot (right foot)
6. Grunt
7. celebrate their new reverse base

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